Emory Respondus Lockdown Browser

Modern Browser: Internet Explorer 11, Firefox (latest version), Chrome (latest version) Microsoft Office 2016 (Free to Emory Students via Office365) McAfee VirusScan Enterprise (Free to Emory Students) Respondus Lockdown Browser (Free to Emory Students) Additional software may be required. Anti-Virus & Malware Options. Sep 08, 2021 Respondus LockDown Browser® Assessments are displayed full-screen and cannot be minimized; Browser menu and toolbar options are removed, except for Back, Forward, Refresh and Stop; Prevents access to other applications including messaging, screen-sharing, virtual machines, and remote desktops; Printing and screen capture functions are disabled.

  • Due No due date
  • Points0
  • Questions0
  • Time Limit 60 Minutes
  • Requires Respondus LockDown Browser


Did you know you can create a quiz bank and draw from it for your quizzes? Check under the quizzes menu and choose the GEAR in the upper right next to the + Quiz button. This will allow you to 'manage question banks'.

Options for individual question includes:

  • multiple choice with options for correct choice and multiple possible answers
  • true-false
  • fill in the blank
  • fill in multiple blanks
  • multiple answers
  • multiple drop downs
  • matching
  • numerical answer
  • formula question
  • essay question
  • file upload question
  • text

As you add each question you choose from a drop down menu.

Only registered, enrolled users can take graded quizzes

To ensure that Respondus LockDown Browser, Respondus Monitor, Kaltura, Blackboard, Zoom, and other academic tools function properly, update your web browsers to the most recent version. Assignment submissions, blog and discussion board submissions, and test submissions may not save and could result in lost work If browsers are not updated.

Students or faculty using older versions of Chrome, Firefox and Safari (11, 12, or 13) need to upgrade their browser to ensure that they do not run into errors when using the academic technology. If you are using a version of Safari that cannot be upgraded to Safari 14, it is recommended to download and use the latest version of Google Chrome.

Faculty and students should ensure that all users have updated Respondus LockDown Browser to obtain the latest version ( to prevent exam issues and unsaved answers.

To update Respondus LockDown Browser, open LockDown Browser, click the 'About' icon in the toolbar (Windows users: 'i' icon, Mac users: Globe icon), and select the 'Check for newer version' button. You can also download and run the full installation program to ensure that you have the latest version (

If you need assistance, contact the IT Services Help Desk at 479-575-HELP or visit help.uark.edu.


Install Respondus Lockdown Browser

Rachel Gerner, content strategist
Information Technology Services
479-387-3824, rgerner@uark.edu